Spots Where We Want To Grill

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Preparing Outdoor Areas For Listing Photos

Exterior shots of a home can be make-or-break for a buyers decision on whether to see it in person. As such, it is very important to make sure that the exterior of your listing, especially an outdoor gathering space, is prepared for your listing photography appointment. Luckily, it is not hard to advise your client on how to get it ready. Take a look at some examples of great looking exteriors in the gallery below.

SIding, Windows & Hardscape

It is a good idea to clean windows, siding, decks, and brick or concrete. There are a number of cleaners available that aren’t harsh on users or the environment and are easy to use.

Homes that are particularly dirty may be worth having cleaned by a commercial house washing company. These companies can make sure that the various materials on and around the home are cleaned in the manner that is appropriate.

Lawn & Landscaping

Mow the lawn with a window of a day or two before the listing photography appointment, in order to give adequate time for any clumps or clippings to disperse. Make sure that bushes and trees are pruned and any beds around them are weeded and topped off with fresh mulch.

Yard Items

Remove and store any hoses, flags, yard equipment, toys, or signs. It is okay to leave items like matching patio furniture, decorative lighting, and healthy potted plants.

If your client has pets, be sure to advise them to remove pet toys and waste from the yard. 

General Tips

On the day of your appointment, advise your clients that trash cans should be moved away from any areas that will be visible in photos. If they do not have room in a shed or garage (or if these spots will be photographed), then a good place to put them is behind their vehicles out of the way of the front of the home.