Great Listing Photos Of Smaller Homes

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Some simple prep will help a small home’s listing photos outshine its square footage.

Not every home is or should be a mansion. Smaller spaces, be they condos, town homes, or modest single family homes, appeal to many people for a wide variety of reasons (economic, philosophical, accessibility, personal preference, etc.). Making sure that your listing media is top notch can help to make sure your listing sells fast and for top dollar even if it isn’t a sprawling villa. 

Light Colors & Lots Of Light

If feasible before your listing photography appointment, sellers should make sure that there is plenty of bright, neutral light in the space. This can come from new, high-quality bulbs in existing fixtures, new light sources, and unobstructed windows.

Coupled with lots of light, a light color scheme, when it comes to decor, can also make a home feel more spacious. If your seller is planning to repaint or have the space staged prior to listing, it is worthwhile to suggest they stick to neutral colors of a lighter palette for the overall design. A bold accessory, though, can help to draw the eye to the far points of a room, which may give it a more expansive feel.

Organize & Declutter

It is generally the case that sellers need to declutter before photography or showings, but this is of special importance in a smaller home. Doing so, though, is a great way for your sellers to get a jump on their eventual move. It will speed up the process of packing and transporting their possessions later on, but importantly to your photography, it will remove visual clutter that could make the space look crowded.

Investing in inexpensive but aesthetically pleasing storage containers to organize items in cabinets, closets, and other spaces can do wonders to make a home look tidy, well maintained, and storage-friendly. This will improve your listing materials and help buyers envision their own use of the space. 

Lean Into It

When it comes down to it, the home has the square footage that it has. Following the steps above will help the space to feel larger on film, but what helps the most is having an experienced photographer.

Our team has the training you need to get great listing photography, walkthrough videos, virtual tours, and aerial photos of any size listing. They will work with you to highlight the features that make your listing unique and to capture it in a way that will be compelling to buyers.