Hampton Roads Real Estate Photography

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The Power Of Your Social Media Presence

Today, most home searches begin on the internet. There are a plethora of sites and tools that are specific to real estate, but it is hard to beat social media for the amount of exposure it can provide to your personal brand and your listings. As useful as social media can be, it is important to use it effectively to build an engaged audience. Fortunately, doing so isn’t hard with the right approach. 

Consistently posting and engaging with your audience helps to foster a sense of community. Someone who only pops up long enough to give a marketing pitch is easy for people to ignore. However, if you are an active part of peoples online communities, then it is much more likely that they will engage with you and share your posts or information. This will amplify your brand's voice, increase your reach, and help you to organically grow your online presence.

Every share puts you in front of a new audience. While there is often overlap between friend or follower lists, it is very unlikely that a share does not put you in front of new people. Getting shares or reposts from your audience and, in-turn, their audiences will dramatically increase the reach of your posts, pictures, or information. This could mean the difference between getting a few hundred clicks on your listing or getting many thousands of views from people who you wouldn’t otherwise reach.

Using polished and professional looking marketing materials will also bolster your image. Hampton Roads Real Estate Photography makes that easy with our unbeatable services and our Total Marketing Kit. In this kit we provide a range of customizable templates for you to use throughout your listing’s sales cycle. Using them on any of your social media platforms will give your posts a high-quality feel.

Taking these important steps will increase the power of your online presence and dramatically increase the exposure any of your posts have. That means more clicks, more traffic, and more offers.